The DollsHobby.club Team welcomes you!
We have finally launched our project and are ready to develop together with you! But - we cannot do without your help, especially in feedback about the site's operation.
Completion of the beta testing stage, which we are currently in, will be the beginning of intensive creation of new, additional functionality, which should be useful and convenient for most users of the project.
If you have interesting constructive suggestions regarding the functionality, please write about them in the comments to this post.
Also, we will be sincerely grateful to you for information about the available functionality regarding its convenience and efficiency.
In the comments below, also write as specifically as possible:
- If you don't like something in the functionality, or it's difficult to use;
- If you encountered an error on the site, you found a bug;
- Errors or incompatibilities that prevent work;
- Ask if something is not clear in the functionality.
All active and creative users, based on the results of the testing, as a thank you for their help, will receive status marks-awards that will decorate their personal profile :)
We will inform about the completion of the beta testing stage in a separate post in the Project News.
Best regards,
DollsHobby.club project team