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Hasbro Disney Disendantsu Evi / Figures Evie Disney Descendants [Parallel Import Goods]

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Hasbro Disney Disendantsu Evi / Figures Evie Disney Descendants [Parallel Import Goods]

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Product Description

Disney Descendants doll inspired by Evie Isle of the Lost, the daughter of the Evil Queen Poseable doll comes wearing a stylish outfit and matching pair of shoes Accessorize her with her fashionable earrings, heart necklace, and crown bracelet Includes a locket for the girl with a sticker inside Includes doll, outfit, sticker, pair of shoes, pair of earrings, and 4 accessories.

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Customer reviews

1 out of 5 stars
1 global rating

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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2019
    Doll broke too easily. My daughter has had these Barbie type dolls for years and not a single one ever broke. A leg broke off first at the knee, so I glued it back on which wasn't easy and was still prone to break off again. Not long after, the other leg broke off. Do not recommend this doll, even for the most careful of children.
    3 people found this helpful