
Barbie Fashionistas Swappin’ Styles Giftset Cutie #V4092 (2011), Fashionistas (wave 1)

Mattel Barbie V4092 2011

Characteristics doll

Product code V4092
Release year 2011
Main characteristics
Doll/Figure type Play doll
Height 29 cm
Height 11.5 inch.
Scale 1/6
Additional characteristics
Label Black
Doll gender Female

Where to buy?

Affiliate disclosure Prices disclaimer
Barbie Fashionistas Swappin’ Styles Giftset Cutie #V4092 (2011), Fashionistas (wave 1) V4092 by Mattel Barbie

Розширення асортименту бренду Мател Барбі: нова лялька Barbie Fashionistas Swappin’ Styles Giftset Cutie #V4092 (2011) відтепер у продажу!. Яскрава та креативна серія ляльок Fashionistas (wave 1) знову радує та надихає своїх шанувальників появою нової цікавої ляльки. Лялька позначена лейблом Black, що дає зрозуміти, наскільки вона цінна та важлива і для тих, хто її створив, і для тих, хто збирається оселити її на своїй колекційній поличці. read more

Frequently asked questions
The doll/figure Barbie Fashionistas Swappin’ Styles Giftset Cutie #V4092 (2011) (V4092) has the type Play doll according to its characteristics. It is often very difficult to determine the exact type, as a doll/figure can be of several types at once (for example, fashion and BJD or play). The characteristics indicate the most appropriate, and often common type for a series or brand.
The project is not an online store and does not sell dolls. But for your convenience, in the card of each doll, we have placed several links to popular stores where you can find this doll. You can also see if this doll is selling by other users of our project in the "shop" section.
Barbie Fashionistas Swappin’ Styles Giftset Cutie #V4092 (2011) (V4092) was released on 2011 according to But the release date does not always coincide with the actual release date, so always check this information!
Attention! Before you will make a purchase check characteristics at the seller before buying!

 92  850 16 January 2023

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