
Terms of use

Terms of use

Welcome to (hereinafter the project)! This is a web project whose mission is to develop the community and attract people from all over the world to unite around a common hobby. We strive to make the project reliable and convenient for our users, so that its use is pleasant and complements positive emotions from the hobby.

We are happy to welcome you ("You" or "user") as a reader, editor, author, or simply someone who makes any contribution to the development of our community. However, before you start the journey through the pages of our project, we ask you to familiarize yourself with the following "Terms of Use".


These Terms of Use describe the services provided by the project, our relationship with you as a user, and the rights and responsibilities we must jointly govern.

The community is a network of users who seek to constantly communicate and share their achievements within the hobby, thereby supporting and developing our Project, is the main resource through which the goal announced in our mission is achieved. The community creates the content of our site and helps to develop the project with this content and activities, such as commenting, liking and more.

You are free to join as a user, editor or author, but you must follow the rules.

Remember that you yourself are responsible for all your work, for all your edits, as well as for the reuse of project materials, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and other applicable laws (which may include the laws of the country where you live or that country , where you view or edit these materials). This means that it is important to exercise caution when posting. Because of this responsibility, we have some rules about what you should not post. Most of these rules are intended either for your own protection or for the protection of other users. Please keep in mind that the materials we provide, store and publish are for general informational purposes only.

1. Our services

The main task of the project (mission) is to encourage the growth, development and distribution of free multilingual materials related to the world of the doll hobby, as well as to ensure that the full content of such materials remains publicly available, high-quality and free. Our role is to store and maintain this data, and to keep the project up and running. We operate exclusively in the field of hosting, infrastructure support and organizational environment, which allows our members to build a project by independently creating and editing content. In connection with our role, there are several points about our relationship with you, our Projects and other users that you should know:

  • We do not assume an editorial role, but we do not limit ourselves to this : All materials posted on us are provided by the same users as you, and we do not assume any editorial functions, except for moderation for compliance with the rules in in case of user complaints. This means that we generally do not control or edit the content of the site, and are not responsible for that content. Likewise, we do not promote any opinions expressed through our project, nor do we represent or warrant the authenticity, accuracy, or reliability of community-generated content. Instead, we simply provide access to the materials.
  • You are responsible for your own actions and posted materials : You are legally responsible for all your actions in adding and changing materials in our project, therefore, for your own safety, you should exercise caution and avoid adding any materials here that may cause criminal or administrative liability in accordance with current legislation. Let us explain that the concept of "current legislation" includes, at a minimum, the laws of Ukraine. Although we may not agree with such actions, we warn authors and editors that the authorities of various countries may try to apply the laws of other countries to you, including the local laws of the country where you live, where you view or modify these materials. The project team cannot offer any protection, guarantee, immunity or compensation in this case.

2. Privacy Policy

We ask that you familiarize yourself with the terms of our Privacy Policy so that you are aware of how we collect and use your information. Because our services are used by people around the world, the personal information we collect may be stored and processed in Ukraine, or any other country where we or our agents have equipment. By using our services, you consent to any such transfer of information outside your country.

3. Content of our projects

  • You may find some material objectionable or erroneous: Because we provide a wide range of material created or collected by other users, you may come across material that you may find offensive, erroneous, misleading, misnamed, or otherwise incorrect. Therefore, we ask you to use common sense and due discretion when using our services.
  • Our materials are intended for general reference. Despite the fact that we host and publish a large amount of information on various topics in our projects, all these materials are provided exclusively for general information and entertainment purposes. They should not be taken as professional advice. In all cases where you require advice, please seek advice from independent licensed or qualified professionals in the relevant field, rather than relying on any information, opinions or recommendations found on our project site.

4. Refrain from some activities

Our project exists only thanks to an active community of users just like you, who publish materials on a voluntary basis. We welcome your participation in this community. We urge you to be polite and correct in communicating with other community members, to act conscientiously and to strive to ensure that the materials you post are directed to the promotion of the project's mission.

Some activities, regardless of whether they are legal or illegal, may harm other participants and violate our rules, and you may be held responsible for some activities. Thus, for your own protection and for the protection of other users, you are not allowed to engage in similar activities on our sites. This applies to the following types of activities:

Insults and other abuse

  • insults, threats, harassment, spamming or vandalism;
  • sending other users "letters of happiness", "information junk" or spam.

Violation of privacy of third parties

  • violation of the right to privacy of other people, according to the laws of Ukraine or other applicable laws (which may include the laws of the region in which you live or view and edit information);
  • disclosure of personal information for the purpose of harassment, personal gain, violation of privacy, or for any advertising or commercial purposes, except when such purposes are expressly and unequivocally approved by the project;
  • obtaining personal information from persons under the age of 18 for illegal purposes or in violation of any applicable law regarding the health and welfare of minors.

Misrepresentation, impersonation or fraud

  • intentional or knowing publication of information that is defamatory or damaging to reputation;
  • placing false or unreliable information for the purpose of deception;
  • attempting to impersonate another user or person, misrepresenting information about your relationship with any individual or legal entity, or using another user's account name for the purpose of fraud;
  • participating in fraud.

Posting materials that violate someone else's rights

  • violation of copyrights, trademarks, patents or other proprietary rights under applicable law.

Abuse of our services for other illegal purposes

  • Posting child pornography or any other material that violates current child pornography laws;
  • publication or participation in the illegal circulation of pornographic materials, which is unacceptable according to the current legislation;
  • using project services in a way that contradicts current legislation.

Participation in destructive and illegal use of equipment

  • posting or distributing materials containing viruses, malware, "worms", "Trojan horse" programs, malicious codes, or other means capable of causing damage to the technical infrastructure or system of our projects or our users;
  • automated use of the site that is inappropriate or disruptive to the service delivery process and is not approved by the project team;
  • disruption of the service provision process due to excessive load on the project site, as well as networks or servers connected to it;
  • violation of the service provision process by overloading one of the project sites with messages or other information flows, the purpose of which is not related to the proper use of the project site;
  • intentionally connecting to, defacing or using any closed area of our computer systems without permission;
  • probing, scanning or testing the vulnerability of our technical systems or networks, except when:
  • such actions do not misuse or disrupt our technical systems and networks;
  • such actions do not serve the purpose of personal gain (other than recognition of your work);
  • you report a vulnerability to project developers (or fix it yourself);
  • you do not do so with malicious or destructive intent.

5. Security of passwords

You are responsible for keeping your own password safe and must never disclose it to any third party.

6. Trademarks

Although you have considerable freedom to reuse content on our site, it is important to note that we protect our trademark rights in order to protect our users from fraudulent imitations. In this regard, we strongly ask you to respect our trademarks.

7. Content Licensing

The project requires giving an unlimited circle of people broad rights to freely redistribute and use their contribution, provided that authorship and reference to the source are properly indicated (so-called "attribution"), and for any derivative works, the same freedom of reuse and dissemination. In accordance with our goal of providing free access to information to the widest possible audience, we require that all materials provided be licensed in such a way that anyone can access them and be able to freely reuse such materials, at any time, as soon as they need it. Also, in the case of copying materials from other resources, these materials must fulfill the same rights as indicated above (that is, permitted by the relevant resources and their rules). The project team may remove such materials without notice if they violate the rules of other resources or existing license restrictions

8. DMCA Compliance

The project aims to allow users to re-use for their own purposes the materials posted by us, without fear of liability and without fear of infringing other people's property rights. In order to be fair to our users and other authors and copyright owners, it is our policy to respond to reports of alleged infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) procedures. In accordance with the DMCA, we will, in appropriate circumstances, block users and account holders of our system and network who are found to be repeat infringers.

However, we also understand that not every message about the need to block should be considered credible and well-intentioned. In such cases, we strongly encourage users to send a counter-notification if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the DMCA block request is in error.

If you are the owner of material that is currently being misused in one of the projects without your permission, you may request that the material be removed in accordance with the DMCA. To submit a related request, please email

9. Third Party Websites and Resources

You are solely responsible for your use of any third-party websites or resources. Although our project contains links to third-party websites and resources, we are not responsible for their availability, accuracy, or reliability, or for the content, products, or services associated with those resources (including, without limitation, any viruses or other destructive functions); nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor such third-party content.

10. Website Management

The project team intervenes in the process of filling materials only as a data moderator for compliance with the rules, but is not responsible for the content of this data. During moderation or in case of complaints from other users, the project team has the right to:

  • to examine your use of the Services to (a) determine whether there has been a violation of these Terms of Use, project-specific section rules, or other applicable laws or policies, or (b) to comply with applicable law, legal process, or an appropriate governmental request;
  • detect, warn, or otherwise take action to address fraud, address security or technical issues, or respond to user inquiries;
  • block, deny access to, or restrict access to User-Posted Content in violation of these Terms of Use;
  • prohibit the user from editing or posting materials or block the user's account or deny access to the user in response to actions that violate these Terms of Use, including in response to repeated copyright infringement;
  • take legal measures against users who violate these Terms of Use (in particular, notify law enforcement authorities);
  • otherwise manage the Project Sites to ensure their proper functioning and to protect the rights, property and safety of us and our users, licensors, partners and the public.

In the interests of our users and the Project, in the extreme circumstances where a participant's account or access has been blocked pursuant to this provision, he or she may not create or use another account or gain access to the same Project, unless we this is a clear and unambiguous permission. In order not to limit the power of the community, the Project will not per se ban a user from posting, nor will it block a member's account or access to the Project solely because of constructive criticism that does not result in actions that otherwise violate these Terms of Use or rules community

Particularly troublesome users whose accounts or access have been blocked may be permanently banned by IP or other identifiers.

Blocking a user's account or restricting its access ("ban") carried out under this provision must comply with Section 12 of these Terms of Use.

11. Termination

Although we hope that you will continue to contribute to our projects, you can opt out of using our services at any time. In some (we hope unlikely) circumstances, it may be necessary for the protection of the interests of the project, the community or its individual users (subject to Section 10) to terminate all or part of your access to our services, suspend these Terms of Use, block your account or access, or you have been banned from participating as a user (so-called "ban"). If your account or access is blocked or otherwise restricted for any reason, your public contribution remains publicly available (subject to applicable rules) and, unless we notify you otherwise, you can still access our public pages for the sole purpose of reading the public content of our projects. However, under such conditions, you will not be able to access your account or personal settings. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the Services at any time, with or without reason, and with or without prior notice. Even after your participation is banned, blocked or otherwise terminated, these Terms of Use will remain in effect with respect to the relevant provisions, including sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9-14 and 16.

13. Disputes and Jurisdiction

We hope that your participation will not be accompanied by any serious disagreements, but in the event of disputes, we encourage you to resolve them using the appropriate procedures or dispute resolution mechanisms provided by our project. If you intend to file a lawsuit against us, you agree to file and resolve the dispute only in a state court located in Kyiv. You also agree that these Terms of Use, as well as any legal claims that may arise between us, will be governed and resolved by the laws of Ukraine. You agree to submit to personal jurisdiction and consent to the appropriate venue in the courts located in Kyiv in any legal action or proceeding relating to us or these Terms of Use.

To ensure that disputes are resolved promptly after they arise, you agree that, notwithstanding any statute or law to the contrary, any claim you have or cause of action arising out of or in connection with related to the use of our services or these Terms of Use must be filed (whichever is earlier) within the prescribed statute of limitations or within 1 (one) year after the relevant facts forming the basis of such claim or action , could have been discovered with reasonable care (or permanently banned).

14. Disclaimer

Despite the fact that the project team does everything possible to ensure the availability of entertaining and informative materials for the widest audience, you use our services at your own risk. We provide these services on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and we expressly disclaim any express or implied warranties of any kind, including, without limitation, implied warranties that are implied, fitness for specific purposes and absence of copyright infringements. We make no guarantees that our services will meet your requirements, be secure, reliable, uninterrupted, timely, accurate or error-free, or that your information will be secure.

We are not responsible for the content of the data or the actions of third parties, and you release us, our directors, officers, employees and agents from all claims and demands for damages, known or unknown, in any way related to or arising out of any claims you have against any third parties. No advice or information obtained by you from us or through or through our services, whether oral or written, shall constitute a warranty of any kind unless expressly stated in these Terms of Use.

Downloading or otherwise obtaining any materials through the use of our services is at your own risk and you will not be responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data resulting from downloading such materials. You agree that we have no responsibility or liability for the deletion, damage, loss or failure to transmit any materials or messages related to our services. We reserve the right at any time, with or without prior notice, to impose restrictions on the use and storage of information materials at our sole discretion.

15. Limitation of liability

Project Team shall not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including (but not limited to) lost profits, loss of business reputation, compensation for use, corruption of data or other non-pecuniary damages, regardless of the existence of warnings of the possibility of such damages. Under no circumstances shall our total liability exceed one tax-free minimum. In the event that applicable law does not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, although our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

16. Amendments to these Terms of Use

Since the input of the project community is extremely important to the growth and maintenance of our projects, we consider community awareness and involvement to be an important element in ensuring that these Terms of Use properly serve the interests of our project participants. This is also necessary for such an agreement to be considered a "fair contract". Therefore, we undertake to make these Terms of Use (as well as any future revisions) available to the community for discussion and comment at least 30 (thirty) days before the end of the discussion and comment period. If significant changes are planned, we will provide an additional 30 days to submit comments after publishing a translation of the proposed changes in at least three languages (chosen at our discretion). The community will be invited to translate the proposed changes into other languages as needed. In the case of changes due to legal or administrative reasons, the need to correct inaccurate statements, or changes in response to community comments, we intend to allow at least 3 (three) days for advance notice.

However, we ask that you periodically review the most recent version of these Terms of Use. Your continued use of our services after the new version of the Terms of Use becomes official following notification and after the end of the further discussion period shall be deemed to be your acceptance of these Terms of Use. To protect the project and other users like you, do not use our services if you do not agree with our Terms of Use.

17. Other conditions

These Terms of Use do not create an employment, agency, partnership or joint venture relationship between you and us, the project. Unless you have entered into a separate agreement with us, these Terms of Use are the entire agreement between you and us. If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and a written agreement between you and us, the written agreement will control.

translated from Ukrainian
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