Компанія Integrity Toys 11 листопада 2023 сміливо відійшла від офлайн традиції й провела цього року "пілотну" онлайн конвенцію. Тема цього року «7 гріхів» - створює основу для гламурної подорожі, обіцяючи унікальне поєднання елегантності, витонченості та нотки таємничості. Ляльки, ретельно створені талановитими дизайнерами, втілюють суть кожного гріха, створюючи колекцію, яка виходить за межі простих іграшок, перетворюючись на бажані витвори мистецтва. Було представлено 8-м ляльок різних брендів від Інтегріті Тойс та комплекти аксесуарів, які можливо придбати виключно членам W Club.
Dania Zarr "Delightful Indulgence"
Isabella Alves "Glorious Vanity"
Top model Isabel Alves is the most beautiful girl in the world, and if you don't agree, just join her, look in the mirror with her and you will see! It won't take long and you'll be as mesmerized as she is by her own radiant beauty.
Just like Narcissus, the man from Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection, top model Isabella Alves redefines vanity with her own vision of self-obsessed beauty. Just look at her, she is perfection! The mirror she chained to her hand always tells the truth, or does it?
Erin Salston "Tantrum"
Poppy "All For Me"
Poppy Parker is hired for an uncharacteristically luxurious photoshoot in "More, More, More Money!" magazine! Will she succumb to the temptation of greed?
Meet the sweet and demure Poppy Parker, a popular teen model who will star in an extravagant magazine photo shoot that is the complete opposite of who she really is! Will she be able to embody the image of a haughty debutante who wants it all at any cost? Will the public believe that Poppy Parker can be like that, even just a little bit? No! It's just a game and we all know it!
Poppy "Turning Green"
7-м Гріхів
Концепція "семи смертних гріхів" має глибоке коріння в релігійних і філософських традиціях. Ці гріхи, також відомі як кардинальні гріхи або смертні гріхи, є класифікацією пороків у християнському вченні. Кожен гріх являє собою фундаментальну людську ваду, яка, якщо її не контролювати, може привести людину на шлях морального і духовного занепаду. Сама тема, дуже цікава й повчальна, я Інтегріті Тойс по своєму підійшли до висвітлення важливого!
Paolo Marino "Leisure Lounge"
Let's sit back, no, let's just lie back and sink into deep relaxation with Paolo Marino of Monarchs Homme hanging loose in his fashionable silk pajamas, lazily sipping his favorite cognac while sprawled out in front of the fireplace on his luxurious faux fur rug. Sound like a dream? AT! Yes it's true!
Financier Paolo Marino usually leads a fast-paced, high-stakes lifestyle, but every now and then even one of the most successful people in the world needs a break... And when he does, everything stops. In the mood for a super lazy day of doing next to nothing, our Paolo is just happy to lounge around, sipping one of the expensive spirits he's collected to celebrate one of his best deals. But should he worry about anything just now? No, maybe tomorrow.
Della Roux "Deepest Desire"
Featured in the latest "Desires Lingerie" ad campaign, model Della Roux shows off her more voluptuous side by wearing something more "comfortable" for the camera.
Will she become the object of your desire?
7th Sins
The concept of "seven deadly sins" has deep roots in religious and philosophical traditions. These sins, also known as cardinal sins or mortal sins, are a classification of vices in Christian teaching. Every sin is a fundamental human flaw that, if left unchecked, can lead a person down the path of moral and spiritual decay. The topic itself is very interesting and instructive, and Integrity Toys in their own way approached the important thing!
Accessories and fashion packs
Devilish Fashion Pack
Garden Of Excess Fashion Pack
Sinful Seven Shoe Pack
The Gathering Shoe Pack
The theme of "7 Sins" adds sophistication and intrigue, promising a journey into the world of fashion that exceeds expectations, and the theme of the convention raises an interesting and important question in the form of collectible dolls!