
The Little Mermaid series by Mattel

The Little Mermaid series - this is a collection of dolls by Mattel brand. Dolls of the series were released in 2023 and currently 11 of them are presented in the catalog. The most popular doll of this series according to the community is Celebration Ariel Doll with Red Hair.

Dolls The Little Mermaid 2023 year
+12% from 14,68 € Celebration Ariel Doll with Red Hair
-18% from 27,73 € Ariel, King Triton & Ursula Dolls, 3 Dolls Set
+16% from 29,86 € Mala, Karina, and Ariel. Ariel Sisters Set
from 16,83 € Ursula Fashion Doll and Accessory
+7% from 11,82 € Transforming Ariel Fashion Doll, Human to Mermaid
+10% from 28,26 € Deluxe Mermaid Ariel Doll with Iridescent Tail
-7% from 11,19 € Vanessa Fashion Doll in Signature Purple Dress
-26% from 72,21 € Ultimate Ariel Sisters 7-Pack Set
+12% from 11,68 € Ariel on Land In Signature Blue Dress
+43% from 25,10 € Ariel with Signature Tail, Sing & Dream
-12% from 10,12 € Ariel, Fashion Doll with Signature Outfit
Publications with dolls from the series The Little Mermaid
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