Every year, at the beginning of September, I remember my childhood, namely Autumn. Then it seemed that along with the torn page of the calendar "August 31", life turns on a pause, everything around becomes gloomy, unfriendly, wet, unhappy. Summer sneakily slipped away, taking with it vacations, fun adventures with friends in the yard, happy moments hanging out at the local pond. And that's all - autumn - school, annoying "musical girl", almost one hundred percent constant sloshing in shoes and a runny nose with mother's pills and plugs on the back from "cans"🙈😅. I understood the concept of "autumn depression" very early😜 And only later, over the years, did I realize the excitement that autumn brings to an adult, mature person. Her beauty, prudence, wisdom, coziness. Its colors and tastes. Her touch. I don't even remember when exactly, but it has become my favorite season. And also - what wonderful pictures autumn nature gives us😍

In the photo is my favorite Valery (author's articulated doll of Valery Revega, Faylini dolls).
Thank you for attention! ☕️🌻