Congratulations, dear friend! Thank you for being here, for visiting me at the bonfire. Today I will share with you another secret, I will tell you how to create a magical creature in mixed media. This baby will be Nüchler from a wonderful fairy-tale world. Description of the process over the photos. I wish you luck and inspiration.

Soon our man-made baby will join his friends

Get ready for a miracle and let magic into your heart:

Create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself, it will be more pleasant to work!
Let's start) As usual, the beginning of work is to create a sketch. It should show the dimensions and details of our future creation.

Just in case, I leave my sketch here, you can print it, A4 format:

Let's form a ball from foil:

Knead the polymer clay well. In this case, I'm using Living Doll Bakeable Polymer Clay and I also really like Super Sculpey Firm:

We form the basis for the head, checking with the sketch:

We place it on our ball:

Next, we form an elongated face from a piece of clay, also checking the sketch all the time:

We place the muzzle on our base, carefully and carefully smooth it:

For the eyes, I use black plastic beads, we place them in the necessary places:

We mold the eyes with small pieces of clay, smooth them and give the eyes the necessary shape:

If necessary, we use tools, make transitions and dips:

With a thin tool, outline a smile, draw stripes and wrinkles:

Now let's move on to sculpting feathers:

We form small flat droplets and, starting from the edge, attach them to the muzzle and smooth the transitions:

The second row of droplets is smaller. Do everything according to your desire and taste) I added a couple of incomplete lines.

We draw indentations in the middle of the feathers:

Next we need a wire. I use florist of different thicknesses.

We check the sketch and form balls for our future paws:

We draw a foot. Remove excess with a sharp tool.

We already give shape with our hands, after which we insert the wire:

Let's detail our feet

We check stability and balance

We do the same with the upper paws, detailing with the help of tools:

Well here) Our parts are ready for baking!

We bake at a certain temperature and then let it cool
(bake according to the instructions for using the clay)

Then the painting. I use Nevsky palette acrylic paint.

Cover the face and paws with a small amount of paint using a flat brush:

I needed three thin layers, just be sure to let each one dry.

Time of black paint. Two layers were enough.

Draw the claws:

I really like this stage) Using a dry flat brush with a very small amount of paint, we create a texture:

Now we need pastels, we work out all the depressions with dark shades, and on the face with warm ones:

We work out the details with a thin brush:

We process the feather with a thin brush:

When we finish painting and tinting, it will be time for fixing varnish. First, we cover the details (protecting the eyes of Nyukhly) with matte Krylon varnish, then we cover the eyes with glossy varnish or simply transparent nail polish.

The look is already "playing"

My desktop. At the same time, work was going on with several more babies.

Tea break and let's continue creating!

We make a wire frame, always checking with the sketch

For little hands

Fasten with a thinner wire very reliably:

We fasten our paws:

The frame is ready!

Next, we wrap the frame with threads or insulating tape:

We create the volume of the body with the help of sintepon, add it in the right places and fix it with threads:

Let's try on the face:

It's time for the body. I use Peppy plush. Mark on the reverse side with soap or chalk, leaving a little to spare. We need two halves for the body, two for the tail and two for the inner pocket.

We divide one of the body parts at the level of the handles

We fasten to each part with the face inside the pocket and sew:

Next, we need to sew the pocket itself, also facing inward.

I sew by hand, but you can also use a machine

Now we have to sew the two halves of the body together, also facing inward:

We leave the bases of the legs and the bottom unstitched:

Carefully place our frame sheathed with sintepon inside:

We glue the bases of the paws with transparent glue "Moment":

Next, we leave a small hole at the bottom and fill it with a couple of spoons of glass granules for weighting:

Sew the opening, sew the halves of the tail. You can walk a bit with the thread to tighten the neck to the size of the head:

We glue the reverse side of the muzzle and fix it on the body:

We place the wire and synthetic material inside the tail and sew the tail with small, neat stitches:

We are checking the stability of the baby) I don't know when he had time, but he had already stuffed his pocket with coins, so I just had to turn away!
I don't know exactly at what moment the soul appears in the toy, but I believe with all my heart that it exists. Brawler!

Chocolate coins are no worse than gold coins!

Here you are at home, we've been waiting for you!

My little collection:

A very useful little animal, as Ron Weasley once dreamed, found a treasure chest in my yard! A very mischievous creature!

Not so much is needed for happiness, but this is not about him) the pocket is already filled with gold!

Yes, yes, what do we have here?

Dear friends! Thank you very much for your attention, I really hope that my work and efforts will be useful to you, and you will create a piece of a magical world for yourself or as a gift to a friend. After all, it is so important to give kindness to people.
Thank you for being here. I want to wish you all the best and brightest from the bottom of my heart! Let the fairy tale live in your soul, and kindness in your heart!
And what you believe in will become real.
Nia Kotomi

Nyuchl, Nyuchler, Niffler (Niffler)
Fantastic animals
With fluffy black fur, an interesting nose resembles a mole, and a platypus with a long nose. In the wild, sniffers live in deep underground caves. These animals are excellent diggers and indispensable helpers of goblins: they dig pits for storing treasures.
Like their owners, skunks are not indifferent to everything shiny - the beast will certainly pull any shiny thing left unattended. He keeps the found good in a roomy pocket on his stomach. Despite its gentle disposition and gentle nature, a sniffer, caught up in the excitement of a treasure hunter, can destroy the owner's house, so it is not recommended to keep it as a pet.

Translated from the original especially for the DollsHobby.club site