
Barbie Florence Nightingale, Inspiring Women

Mattel Barbie GHT87 2020

Characteristics doll

Product code GHT87
Release date Feb 9, 2020
Main characteristics
Face mold Louboutin
Body type Articulated
Articulated body
Doll/Figure type Play doll
Height 29 cm
Height 11.5 inch.
Scale 1/6
Additional characteristics
Designer Керолін ДеМерсман (Caroline DeMersseman)
Label Black
Doll gender Female

The Barbie® Inspiring Women™ series pays tribute to the incredible heroines of their time – courageous women who took risks, changed the rules and paved the way for generations of girls to dream bigger than ever. Florence Nightingale pursued a career as a nurse, a calling she felt was her moral duty. In 1850, Florence enrolled as a nurse and set out to improve hospital efficiency and patient care standards. Carrying a lamp during her rounds in the Crimean War, Florence earned the title "Lady with the Lamp" as she brought comfort and compassion to badly wounded soldiers. Eventually bedridden by a chronic illness, Nightingale refused to give up and used her education in statistics to write books that launched health care reforms. In 1860, she founded the Nightingale Training School, continuing the further education of nurses while changing negative attitudes towards women entering the profession. Throughout her life, Florence Nightingale continued to use her inspiration and intelligence to pioneer modern nursing. Celebrate her unwavering determination and lasting influence with the Inspiring Women™ Florence Nightingale Barbie® doll. Includes doll stand and certificate of authenticity. The doll cannot stand on its own. Colors and decorations may vary. read more

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2020 Brand New NRFB Florence Nightingale Inspiring Women Series Barbie doll
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Barbie Florence Nightingale, Inspiring Women GHT87 by Mattel Barbie

The range of the Matel Barbie brand has been replenished with a new Florence Nightingale doll. You can spend hours looking at and admiring this incredibly cute face of a barbie, all the "highlights" of which come from one of Louboutin's most beloved molds. The reliable articulated body of the Articulated allows you to use the doll for active children's games. This is an incredible doll from the incredible Inspiring Women series! The creative approach of designers once again impresses the imagination of even the most demanding collectors. Doll designer Caroline DeMersseman is already known for her other Barbie brand products. The doll is marked with the Black label, which makes it clear how valuable and important it is both to those who created it and to those who are going to settle it on their collector's shelf. Thanks to the special stand that comes with the Barbie Florence Nightingale doll, you can easily install it on the shelf. read more

Frequently asked questions
The body type of the doll Barbie Florence Nightingale (GHT87) is defined as Articulated based on the characteristics from the manufacturer or by users of our service if there is no open information.
The face mold of the Barbie Florence Nightingale (GHT87) doll is marked as Louboutin but for some dolls the mold may not be determined exactly, as the manufacturer does not always specify this characteristic and it is often determined visually based on comparison with other dolls.
The doll/figure Barbie Florence Nightingale (GHT87) has the type Play doll according to its characteristics. It is often very difficult to determine the exact type, as a doll/figure can be of several types at once (for example, fashion and BJD or play). The characteristics indicate the most appropriate, and often common type for a series or brand.
The project is not an online store and does not sell dolls. But for your convenience, in the card of each doll, we have placed several links to popular stores where you can find this doll. You can also see if this doll is selling by other users of our project in the "shop" section.
Barbie Florence Nightingale (GHT87) was released on February 9, 2020 according to But the release date does not always coincide with the actual release date, so always check this information!
Attention! Before you will make a purchase check characteristics at the seller before buying!

 142  1.3k 30 April 2023

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