Characteristics doll
Release date |
Jul 23, 2024 |
Height |
29 cm |
Height |
11.5 inch. |
Scale |
Eye colour |
Hair color |
Additional characteristics
Created in partnership with the National Down Syndrome Society!
Barbie Fashionistas celebrate diversity and offer endless opportunities for storytelling and fashion exploration. With this diverse range of dolls, kids can see the fun of expressing their individuality through style! They are the perfect gift for kids who love fashion. Each sold separately subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand on their own. Colors and decorations may vary.
- Barbie has partnered with the National Down Syndrome Society to develop a Down Syndrome Barbie doll that celebrates the community.
- Meaningful symbols are incorporated into her clothing, with the blue and yellow color palette representing Down syndrome awareness.
- The three arrows in some of the hearts on the print represent the third 21st chromosome that people with Down syndrome have, and they point outwards to symbolize lifting and moving forward.
- Barbie doll wears pink glasses - super cute and practical! Prescription glasses are more common in people with Down syndrome than in the general population.
- With her black braided hair and incredible pink shoes, with this versatile and fashionable look, Barbie doll is ready for any adventure her imagination can dream up! read more
translated from Ukrainian
Where to buy?
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United States
± $8.79
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Barbie Fashionistas Doll #229, Doll with Down Syndrome Wearing Heart-Print Dress, Created in Partnership with The National Down Syndrome Society
in United States
± $14.05
+ shipping
Barbie Fashionistas #229 Lalka z zespołem Downa ubrana w sukienkę w serduszka, stworzona we współpracy z organizacją National Down Syndrome Society, H
from Poland
± $24.41
± $10.00
Barbie Fashionistas Doll #229, Barbie Doll with Down Syndrome Wearing Heart-Print Dress, Created in Partnership with the National Down Syndrome Societ
from United Kingdom
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Frequently asked questions
The doll/figure Barbie Fashionistas №229, Doll with Down Syndrome (HYK14) has the type Play doll according to its characteristics. It is often very difficult to determine the exact type, as a doll/figure can be of several types at once (for example, fashion and BJD or play). The characteristics indicate the most appropriate, and often common type for a series or brand.
The project is not an online store and does not sell dolls. But for your convenience, in the card of each doll, we have placed several links to popular stores where you can find this doll. You can also see if this doll is selling by other users of our project in the "shop" section.
Barbie Fashionistas №229, Doll with Down Syndrome (HYK14) was released on July 23, 2024 according to But the release date does not always coincide with the actual release date, so always check this information!
Attention! Before you will make a purchase check characteristics at the seller before buying!
147 1.4k
24 July 2024