
Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts, BMR1959

Mattel Barbie GHT92 2019

Characteristics doll

Product code GHT92
Release date 29 Oct 2019
Brand Mattel Barbie
Series BMR1959
Main characteristics
Face mold Millie
Body type Made to Move Tall
Articulated body
Doll/Figure type Play doll
Height 31 cm
Height 12.5 inch.
Scale 1/6
Eye colour Сірий
Hair color Блонд
Additional characteristics
Designer Carlyle Nuera (Карлайл Нуера)
Label Black
Doll gender Female

The BMR1959™ collection celebrates Barbie®'s fashion heritage and shows how today's trends influence the brand. These bold, poseable dolls reflect the diverse looks of today's streetwear culture. From a mix of high and low fashion, reimagined '90s clothing to juxtaposed patterns, textures and silhouettes, this curated ensemble is all about personal expression and style. This BMR1959™ doll wears a color block logo ribbon crew neck sweatshirt and bright striped shorts. Logo sneakers and a green baseball cap worn over her curly blonde hair complete the look. This collectible fashion doll is fully articulated, comes in a streetwear style shoe box and includes a doll stand with the BMR1959™ logo for display. Colors and decorations may vary. read more

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Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts, BMR1959 GHT92 by Mattel Barbie

The new Barbie GHT92 doll from Mattel Barbie is a new addition to the already wide range of the brand. You can spend hours looking and admiring this incredibly cute face of Barbie, all the "highlights" of which come from one of Millie's favorite molds. Due to the large number of joints inherent in the Made to Move Tall body, the doll gives the owner unlimited freedom in creating his own image for her. Now is the time for collectors to open the hunting season for this doll, because absolutely every doll in the BMR1959 series deserves a place of honor on the shelves of doll fans. The character's image looks stylish, sophisticated and unique thanks to the blonde color, style and detailing of the hair. Designer Carlyle Nuera (Karlyle Nuera), known for his work for the Barbie company, also designed this doll. The doll is marked with the Black label, which makes it clear how valuable and important it is both to those who created it and to those who are going to settle it on their collector's shelf. A stand to place the Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts doll on a shelf is included. read more

Frequently asked questions
The body type of the doll Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts (GHT92) is defined as Made to Move Tall based on the characteristics from the manufacturer or by users of our service if there is no open information.
The face mold of the Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts (GHT92) doll is marked as Millie but for some dolls the mold may not be determined exactly, as the manufacturer does not always specify this characteristic and it is often determined visually based on comparison with other dolls.
The doll/figure Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts (GHT92) has the type Play doll according to its characteristics. It is often very difficult to determine the exact type, as a doll/figure can be of several types at once (for example, fashion and BJD or play). The characteristics indicate the most appropriate, and often common type for a series or brand.
The project is not an online store and does not sell dolls. But for your convenience, in the card of each doll, we have placed several links to popular stores where you can find this doll. You can also see if this doll is selling by other users of our project in the "shop" section.
Barbie Color Block Sweatshirt with Logo Tape & Striped Shorts (GHT92) was released on 29 October 2019 according to But the release date does not always coincide with the actual release date, so always check this information!
Attention! Before you will make a purchase check characteristics at the seller before buying!

 223  2.1k 08 January 2023

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