Real magic reigns in Vanessa's workshop! Purple cotton fabric gradually turns into a fairy dress. But for whom is this masterpiece created? What is hidden behind the scenes of the process?

Vanessa read books and was inspired by images from fairy tales. That's how she came up with clothes that she sewed for a friend.

The craftswoman works with great pleasure and attention, because she wants to make a special gift for Charlotte - a stylish and comfortable outfit, in which she will be comfortable even in the kitchen.

Vanessa irons the fabric with a vintage iron that once belonged to Vanessa's grandmother. This iron is a real family heirloom, which not only fulfills its function, but also reminds of the warm stories of the past.

Equally valuable is a vintage sewing machine found in an old chest in the attic. Together with her, Vanessa found tools and materials that inspire her to create new masterpieces.

A seamstress is a real master of her craft. She carefully processes the edges of the fabric, fixes each thread and creates perfectly even seams. In her hands, ordinary material turns into a work of art. After all, every product created in this workshop will be worn by the inhabitants of the kingdom... or rather, by friends. Yes, on the puppet island "Kingdom of Creativity" friendship and kindness reign, and all the characters live in harmony.

Vanessa takes a centimeter and confidently measures the length of the skirt. You need to bend the bottom and sew on the lace - everything should be neat.

Each product of Vanessa has its own highlight – she draws pictures with special paints for fabric. Her works are easy to recognize by the elegant patterns of gold, silver and white paint. This time the dress will be without rhinestones – only a delicate pattern and a bow, matched to the tone. After all, this is not just a dress, but clothes for comfortable cooking in the kitchen.
There are no coincidences in Vanessa's workshop – each thing is created with soul and care for future owners.

Vanessa is inspired to create clothes by books, fairy tales, movies and nature. Her work area is thought out down to the smallest detail: under the bench there are baskets in which: threads, ribbons, paints and brushes - everything is at hand. Next to the window there is a flowerpot, which Vanessa carefully takes care of, and on the table there is always a fresh bouquet of flowers. These details create an atmosphere of warmth and inspiration.

When preparing a new outfit for Charlotte, Vanessa remembered the fairy tales of Cinderella and Belle, and although it turned out something different, in each of her works there is a piece of fairy-tale charm. The clothes created by Vanessa are full of magic - because the moment when the doll is dressed in a new outfit, it really gives incredible sensations.

Charlotte entered the room and immediately beamed with joy. A new dress, scarf and apron - exactly what she dreamed of! Vanessa watched her friend's emotions and felt proud: her work was appreciated better than any words.

Charlotte not only likes to cook, she knows how to create real culinary masterpieces. Every day, passing by her kitchen, everyone in the palace feels the magical aromas that beckon and invite them to look into the kitchen, as if at a festive banquet.
The girl has favorite recipes that she constantly uses, and she also likes to experiment with dishes, tries new recipes or invents her own.

Charlotte is frying pancakes, and the kitchen is filled with an appetizing aroma. But where is the oil? She suddenly remembers that she left it in the fridge.
This kitchen is a real outlet for Charlotte. Here she not only prepares her favorite dishes, but also spends her time with pleasure. Everything is in its place - dishes, products, spices - so you don't have to look for anything. And in the refrigerator there is always something tasty that inspires new culinary experiments.

Bright and cozy, the kitchen becomes the center of warm moments. There is a table near the window where Charlotte and her friends enjoy a cup of tea every day. Fresh cakes, homemade delicacies and a wonderful view outside the window add a special charm to these gatherings. Although there is a spacious dining room in the next room, this corner in the kitchen remains a favorite place for communication. Life is always in full swing here, and the table is never bored.

How was this fabulous location created? What's behind the scenes?

The fabulous story of the creation of this dress can be heard and seen in the YouTube video. Also, learn more behind-the-scenes secrets. These dolls came to life in the video:
In these photos: Barbie Made to Move: blonde DHL82 and Barbie Made to Move: redhead DPP74
My Instagram page: www.instagram.com
My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com
Blog about the doll island "Kingdom of Creativity": dollshobby.club