
How I make new hair for my dolls.

How I make new hair for my dolls.

For work, you will need scissors, acrylic yarn, a comb with small teeth, a comb for animals, a cardboard box for winding yarn, a long needle with a wide eye, hair clips, tweezers and a doll.

1. I separate the head of the doll from the body, cut off the hair from it, remove the remaining hair with the help of tweezers through the hole in the head.
2. I wind the yarn on a cardboard, cut it from above and below to get pieces of yarn 15 cm long.

3. My yarn is twisted into three strands. I separate them from each other.

The doll has holes left from the previous hair. I sew in the same holes, or make new ones if necessary.
4. With the sharp end of the needle, I widen the hole, then insert the needle into the doll's head with the eye down.
5. I pull the thread through the eye of the needle, tie a knot, cut the remaining thread above the knot, sew.

6. First, I sew the hair around the perimeter, then I fill in the rest.

7. When the whole head is stitched, I comb all the hair with an animal comb.
A lot of yarn is combed. It should be so.

8. I comb the doll's head with a comb with small teeth. I separate the hair into strands, and smooth them with tongs.

Now you can make a hairstyle to your taste.

translated from Ukrainian

 227  05.06.24 10:16
Dolls in catalog
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