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Holiday in Heaven with the Barbie x Bob Mackie 2023 Holiday Angel Doll

Holiday in Heaven with the Barbie x Bob Mackie 2023 Holiday Angel Doll

There are those who are true legends in the world of fashion and design and one such luminary is Bob Mackie. For over 30 years, this world-renowned costume and fashion designer has captured the hearts and imaginations of fans around the world with his creative genius. The new Barbie x Bobb Mackie Holiday Angel™ doll in Shimmering Silver and Red Gown is the second installment in the Holiday Angel series, which is quickly becoming a beloved tradition for collectors and fashionistas alike. The release under the "Gold" label is scheduled for November 9, 2023, and the doll will be available to everyone!

Elegance of shimmering silver and crimson drapery

This dazzling Barbie was created by designer Bill Greening, who drew inspiration from Bob Mackie's signature style and creative approach. The result is a doll that sparkles like starlight, capturing hearts with every look. Dressed in a shimmering silver dress, Barbie exudes a radiant charm that is simply magical.
A crimson belt that drapes around her bodice and cascades down to the floor adds a festive color effect that accentuates her celestial beauty. It's a testament to Bob Mackie's unique ability to bring drama and elegance to every detail, as Bill Greening himself notes: “I love the shiny silver fabric and drape of the dress. The red accent on the belt adds drama as only Bob Mackie can!"

Heavenly parts and accessories

The Barbie x Bob Mackie 2023 Holiday Angel Doll is a masterpiece of intricate detail. Sculptural wings, reminiscent of Art Nouveau filigree, majestically soar behind her, creating a heavenly aura. These wings are an impressive testament to Bob Mackie's unparalleled ability to infuse fantasy and imagination into his creations.

In addition, Barbie is decorated with spectacular earrings and massive bracelets, which emphasize her heavenly shine. These exquisite accessories add a touch of glamor and extravagance, making her the perfect epitome of sophistication and style.

To complete this divine ensemble, Barbie comes in an ornately designed closed box, adding an extra layer of collectible value. This packaging reflects the high level of craftsmanship and attention to detail that has become synonymous with the Barbie x Bob Mackie collaboration.

The Barbie x Bob Mackie 2023 Holiday Angel Doll is a true masterpiece, the culmination of Bob Mackie's unparalleled creativity and Barbie's timeless appeal. It is not only a stunning collector's item, but also a testament to the strong connection between fashion and fantasy. Meticulously crafted in every detail, from the shimmering dress to the celestial accessories, this doll embodies the essence of Bob Mackie's iconic design.

translated from Ukrainian

 854  06.11.23 19:18
Dolls in catalog
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