Introducing the latest addition to the world of dolls - the stunning Black Navy Prototype Girl from Smart Doll!
Created by a well-known doll maker, this doll features a unique look inspired by the cyberpunk style wigs that were shared on Twitter, giving rise to a new skin tone. With enchanting emerald eyes, this doll quickly became a favorite among doll lovers and collectors and fans of the series.
The Black Navy shade was originally intended for cool cyberpunk accessories like futuristic boots and gloves. But during its development, the creators got curious and decided to use it as the actual skin tone of the doll, resulting in an impressive appearance with a matching set of body materials.
The company has always strived to offer a variety of options with skin tones as close to human as possible, such as cocoa, cinnamon and tea. But sometimes they deviate from "human" shades and, as an exception, also introduce gray color. However, Black Navy will be a rare and exclusive choice, making it even more special in the "galactic gray era".
Looking back at the success of its previous creations in the two-year "Interstellar Blue" era, the company is ready to hear feedback from fans and see if they prefer dark blue or gray for future doll releases.
In general, even after the announcement of the new skin tone, fans met Black Navy very positively and consider this skin tone simply stunning!
"This color choice is definitely a game changer, change my words - this will be the color everyone is talking about! Can't wait to see this beauty for yourself!"