
Quick panties for a doll. Quickly MC

Quick panties for a doll. Quickly MC

I offer a short description of how I sew quick panties for girls.
I wear these panties as a gift to the skirts and dresses I bought.
We need:
- approximate pattern. I offer you mine. I use the same one for all body types - I fit ready-made underwear on the doll.
- elastic fabric or lace
- scissors
- a few pins.
-good mood )
Pattern on paper in a cell below.

I take wide lace most often. Then the upper edge of our underwear does not need to be processed and it looks beautiful. The width of the finished lace should be 8-9 cm. With a width of 10 - there will be briefs with a high fit. I also sew such panties from any elastic fabric - tulle, lace, spandex.
We fasten our pattern on the fabric with pins (I fold both the pattern and the fabric in half, it's more convenient for me). You can also sew a piece of paper to the fabric.

Cut out. With a small allowance where there will be holes for the legs, about 3 mm. And with a larger one where there will be side seams - about 1 cm.
That's how it works.
Importantly. If you are cutting from a material where the top edge is not finished, cut where the belt is, make an allowance for finishing this edge here as well. About 5 mm.

Next, we process the side seams. I do this on a sewing machine. Zigzag stitch, the smallest stitch step. This is what my settings look like on the car.

I sew with a zigzag twice. Especially when I sew from lace. So the edge looks neat and without holes.
If you are sewing from a fabric that has an unfinished upper edge, where the belt is, then we are processing it right now. Having folded the edge, we stitch it with an elastic seam or a small zigzag.
The next step is to sew the side seams. I also zigzag twice

Now I turn it out, try it on and see how to adjust it to the figure.
It is always necessary to adjust. This is normal. This is why I make larger side seam allowances. To have a margin for fitting.

Most often, it is enough to sew a little on one or two sides.

We have cute underpants that won't add a lot of thickness under clothes and will look cool.

translated from Ukrainian

 895  26.11.23 10:12
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