This topic is very popular among doll owners - someone whose child has painted the doll's face, someone carelessly got into the paint himself. Also, don't forget that clothes can also leave stains on the doll's body.
How to remove them? There are quite a lot of tips - alcohol, nail polish remover (without acetone), acetone, vegetable oil, stain removers, sunlight, acne ointment, and others.
Personally, I quite often take used dolls in a rather bad condition, so I often encounter this problem. And you know what I'll tell you? First, all these methods do not work on plastic, but they do work on PVC. Secondly, ALL methods that are more serious than washing with powder or wiping with nail polish remover will slightly change the color of the skin tone (especially the red pigment is lost).
In my practice, two methods have proven to be the most effective:
- The first: mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1:2, apply the resulting mixture to the problem area and wrap it in a bag. Put in a warm and dark(!) place. Wait from six hours to a week, depending on the level of impregnation with a foreign pigment of the vinyl.
- The second: immerse the part in a solution of vinegar and bleach in a ratio of 1:1. This method is dangerous, when chlorine and vinegar are mixed, volatile chlorine is released - a poisonous gas that is heavier than air. So this method can only be used outdoors! No hood in the kitchen or entrance!!!
But regardless, this method is the most convenient and effective - you just have to treat it responsibly!
You need to take a glass container, a cellophane bag and an eraser - the released gas will tear the lid. Pour one of the liquids into the container, for example 9% table vinegar, immerse the stained parts in it, then add bleach with the mandatory chlorine content, quickly cover the container with a bag and secure it with a rubber band. This container should be placed in a warm place, maybe in the sun. Through the transparent walls, you can calmly wait for the visible desired effect. You have to wait for a long time, from six hours. As soon as the spots disappear, you need to open the can in the fresh air and open space - there will be very little gas, it will not even have a visible color, and in twenty minutes it will all dissipate. Wash the parts with soapy water.