
A swing for a doll's garden

A swing for a doll's garden

On the doll island "Kingdom of creativity" live skilled craftsmen. Tom and John make furniture from wood. These are wonderful and convenient things. They recently started making garden furniture. They made a ring swing.

Flora is a decorator and florist in the kingdom. She decorated the swing, added greenery and flowers.

In the summer, a swing hangs in the garden. Residents of the kingdom often sit on it. Also, they often take photos with her. The swing is comfortable. They often not only sit on it, but sit for a long time reading books. And all around there is a beautiful landscape, nature, you can hear birds singing.

I made this swing from a wooden ring and wooden skewers. Decorated with artificial greenery and flowers.

Such a swing can be decorated with various decorations. It is not difficult to do this thing. If you are interested in seeing the creation process, then watch a detailed video instruction on how this swing was created:

Made to Move Posable Doll in Blue

All photos are taken from my Blogspot blog: inesadolls.blogspot.com and videos from my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com
In the photo Barbie Made to Move: brunette DJY08 and Ken dolls: One Two Fun My Trendy Doll

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 919  02.10.23 22:01
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