Charlotte loves sweaters. She wore a sweater in winter, and in autumn, and even in summer, when the evenings were cool.

Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. The leaves are painted in different bright colors. The pumpkins are ripe. Charlotte, a skilled cook and a true lover of autumn, decided to bake a pumpkin pie. She took a bicycle and went to the farm for pumpkins.

On the puppet island "Kingdom of creativity" they love every season. Residents of the kingdom decorate homes, workshops and other premises. Also, they organize balls, parties, performances, masquerades according to the season. It's so interesting. Everyone is happy to help and participate in the preparation for the holiday.

In the summer, daisies bloomed on the island. Charlotte took the basket and went to collect the bouquet. The evening was cool, and the girl was comfortable in the sweater.
Do you need a sweater in the summer? Some summer days can be rainy and have cool evenings, so a sweater remains relevant. Why not? 🤔

Made to Move Posable Doll
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