Congratulations, Community! Today we offer for your attention a rather unusual doll created by World of EPI and The Fresh Dolls based on the tape from Marvel Studios “Black Panther, Wakanda Forever”. One of the brightest characters of the comic, and actually the tape, is the girl Shuri - the younger sister of the king of Wakanda T'chala, an outstanding scientist and developer of the most modern secret technologies. In the film, this funny and intelligent girl was played by the colorful British actress of Guyanese origin Leticia Wright.

The doll belongs to the Fresh Fierce Collection series, which currently consists of three dolls: the general of the Wakanda army - Okoye, the beloved of King T'chala Nakia and his sister Shuri.

As typical of all collectible creatures, this doll has a bright box with a description of the character's history, a certificate, and a transparent stand:

Shuri is dressed in a stylish protective suit, puffy sneakers and has a sleek silver helmet with a protective screen.

The creators' attention to detail is very nice, Shuri even got her high-tech ball bracelet from them☺️

Shuri's outfit is made with a high quality and detail, with even seams, with neatly sewn velcro and an elastic band in the waist of the pants. Pockets are not functional, but this does not spoil the impression of the outfit.

The doll itself, in our opinion, is very similar to its prototype - Leticia Wright. A stylish afro hairstyle with funny lambs above the eyebrows looks cute and modern🤩 The makeup is even, almost nude for the skin type of this beauty. Special charm is added by the doll's expressive dark eyes, which cast a purple hue under certain lighting.

The creators gave Shuri a rather interesting body, strong, colorful, made of matte, pleasant-to-the-touch plastic, but according to the film, Shuri is a thin and lively young girl, so, in our humble opinion, such a body is ideal for the trained General Okoye and the mature beauty Nakia, and something more fragile is seen for Shuri.
The body is really nice though, with double joints at the elbows and knees, a lift-up foot, molded underwear and beautifully detailed fingers on the handles and feet. The amplitude of movement of the double hinges in the knees is not complete, the legs bend only slightly more than 90 degrees.
The quality of plastic casting in some places corresponds to the segment of ordinary play dolls.

The head and body have corresponding markings, which is important if you don't want to come across a fake. Another nuance that we paid attention to when inspecting the doll is a too large gap at the point where the head and neck join. It is clear that this space was left for greater mobility of the head, for the sake of tilting to the side and back and forth, but such a solution does not look super-aesthetic.

Shuri was compared to a standard Barbie Made to Move doll:

It was decided not to stop there, because we have a very big thirst for hybridization experiments, because we need to try to make Shuri more fragile 😅
So far, Claudette BMR1959's body has been found for this. There is a non-critical shade, because Mattel did not find an identical skin tone to Shuri's native one.
Shuri's head is quite small, it sat on the petite body without complicated manipulations, does not need additional strengthening and looks proportional. For bodies of standard height, hand bones can still be transplanted, but for a petite body, Shuri's native bones turned out to be quite large, so this step had to be abandoned.
This is how small and fragile Shuri turned out after hybridization 😊 Of course, this is not a mandatory option for owners or those who are just thinking about housing this wonderful doll, but it is nice when there are already some customization options for your favorite character in front of your eyes.

This is how Shuri can look on a petite body compared to a standard Barbie:

This concludes our review of the wonderful Shura, and we hope that the information provided will be useful for friends and guests of our project.
Best regards,
the DollsHobby.Club team